Thursday, June 18, 2020

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is a state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world, state of harmony between oneself and others, a co-existence between the realities of the self and that of other people and the environment. 

Components of Mental Health

1) The ability to accept self: A mentally fit person feels comfortable about himself. He feels reasonably secure and adequately accepts his shortcomings. 

2) The Capacity to feels right towards others: An individual who enjoys good mental health is able to be sincerely interested in others welfare. He is able to feel a part of a group without being submerged by it. He takes responsibility for his neighbours and his fellow members.

3) The ability to fulfil life's tasks:  It bestows on an individual the ability to meet the demand of life. A mentally healthy person is able to think for himself, set a reasonable goal and to take his own decisions. He does something about the problems as they arise. He takes responsibilities and is not bowled over by his own emotions of fear, anger, love or guilt.

The Criterion for Mental Health

1) Adequate contact with reality
2) Control of thoughts and imagination
3) Efficiency in work and play
4) Social acceptance
5) Positive self-concept
6) A healthy emotional life

Indicators of Mental Health

Positive attitude towards self: This includes an objective view of self, including knowledge and acceptance of strengths and limitations. A person feels a strong sense of personal identity and security within the environment.

Growth, development and the ability for self-actualization: It correlates with whether the individual successfully achieves the tasks associated with each level of development. 

Integration: It includes the ability to adaptively respond to the environment and the development of a philosophy of life. They help individuals to maintain anxiety at a manageable level in response to stressful situations.

Autonomy: It refers to the individual's ability to perform in an independent self-directed the manner where the individual makes choices and accepts responsibility for the outcomes.

Perception of reality: This includes a perception of the environment without distortion as well as the capacity for empathy and social sensitivity- respect and concern for the wants and needs of others.

Environmental mastery: It suggests that the individual has achieved a satisfactory role within the group, society or environment. He is able to love and accepts the love of others.

Qualities of a Mentally Healthy Person

1) He has the ability to make adjustments.
2) He has a sense of personal worth feels worthwhile and important.
3) He solves his problems by his own efforts and makes his own decisions.
4) He has a sense of personal security and feels secure in a group shows understanding of other people's problems and motives.
5) He has a sense of responsibility.
6) He can give and accept love.
7) He lives in a world of reality rather than fantasy.
8) He shows emotional maturity in his behaviour and develops a capacity to tolerate frustration and disappointments in his daily life.
9) He has developed a philosophy of life that gives meaning and purpose to his daily activities.
10) He has a variety of interests and generally lives a well-balanced life of work, rest and recreation.

Thus mental health would include not only the absence of diagnosis labels such as schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder but also the ability to cope with the stressors of daily living, freedom from anxieties and generally an optimistic outlook towards life vicissitudes and to cope with those.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Measures Are To Be Taken To Prevent COVID-19 Infection

Coronavirus pandemic is now spreading all over the world day by day. Governments are taking important steps to protect their countries. The COVID-19 belongs to a group of viruses that causes symptoms ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory infections. It has been spreading between people in close contact via respiratory droplets typically when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Tips to prevent COVID-19 infection

- Wash your hands and maintain respiratory hygiene

- Wear masks when going out of your home
- Motivate those people who are having common flu like symptoms to cover their nose and mouth coughing or sneezing
- Wash hands after contact with respiratory secretions
- Use PPE kits [mask, gown, and gloves] to avoid contact with the patient’s blood and other body secretions
- Don’t share food, drinks, glasses, utensils, towels and other household items with others

How does contact tracing help to decrease the spread of coronavirus?

Contact tracing is beneficial to prevent transmission of coronavirus by quickly identifying and informing people who may be infected and contagious so that community spreading can be stopped. Due to COVID-19 infection, a person may be contagious 48 to 72 hours before they start to experience symptoms. The contacts are notified about their exposures. Doctors are instructed to isolate suspected people for a period of 14 to 21 days and to seek medical attention as needed if they experience symptoms in the quarantine period.

Importance of social distancing and wearing face masks

Due to COVID-19 any infected person, with or without symptoms, could spread the virus by touching a surface. It remains on that surface and if someone else touches it and then touches his mouth, nose or eyes then the virus will transmit to that person. That's why it is very important to avoid touching public surfaces. Social distancing decreases the spread of a novel coronavirus.

The world health organization (WHO) recommends people to wear masks when going out in public. Because this virus spreads when someone breathes in the air which contains droplets of the virus that is produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. N-95 masks are effective, but these masks are available in short supply and should be reserved for healthcare workers only. However, masks are important when they are tight-fitting and cover your entire nose and mouth. They protect you from touching your face and mouth.

How can I keep my immune system strong?

To protect yourself from a virus you should keep your immune system strong and healthy. 

- Don't smoke or vape
- Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (lemon and other nutrition diets)
- Take a multivitamins
- Do exercise regularly

All in all, you all need to follow these measures to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5 Work From Home Tips and Advantages To Become More Productive

Work from home is the best start to be more productive. Many employees and business owners are working from home for several years, thanks to developments in tech that make remote work possible. Working from home benefits employees by eliminating their daily commutes, and it also increases productivity and leads to healthier lifestyles. It's a win-win situation because people are flexible to do work as per their routine.

Tips To Be Productive While Working From Home

- When you are working from home it can be difficult for your other teammates, managers to keep your work top-of-mind. So make sure you can make a list of small milestones. Make sure while working from home you can create your to-do list. So that you can start your project in the morning because it helps you in making progress gradually throughout the day.

- While working from home, do all the things which you do in your daily routine when you go for the office. Set your alarm and go for walk and get ready for the day and pretend you're actually going to work. Otherwise, you might find yourself back in bed.

- To stay on schedule, you can set an online calendar, create personal events and reminders that tell you when to shift gears and start on new tasks. Google Calendar makes this easy and reminds you of all the tasks in a day, week or month.

- Choose a place specifically to do work. It can be a table, chair or any other area of the home or outside the home that helps you get into the right frame of mind.

- Make sure you remove all distractions like phone calls, social media and text messages. Everyone is facing troubles when we are working at home. To stay focused include silent your phones, working in an office-like space rather than on a bed or couch, and staying away from areas of your home that could distract you to do work.

Advantages of Working From Home

1) The biggest advantage of working from home is that you no longer have to commute to work.

2) Manage work relationships by doing video conferencing with other co-workers at least once a week, so that they still feel like they're part of the team.

3) Remote work jobs come with flexible schedules, that means workers can start and end their day as per their chosen time, as long as their work is completed.

4) Being able to create a comfortable home office is a great benefit of working from home.

All in all, remote work is the best opportunity to continue with the work. In such situations like COVID-19 where it is difficult to visit the office every day for the continuity of work.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How COVID-19 Affects Marketers

The outbreak of Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 had an immense impact on countries, business worldwide. During this time we all need to stay home and stay safe to explore all options for your business. In the next few months, COVID-19 will impact the global community, both professionally and personally, so it is essential to look at both spectrums to make the best decisions regarding marketing investments.

How COVID-19 Impacts consumers?

Half of the world's consumers say they will not return to shops for ‘some time’ or ‘a long time’ after lockdowns ease. There are few shoppers, on average, expect that they will return to stores ‘immediately’ once they are allowed to. There is yet more reluctance towards public venues, such as festivals, consumers anticipating that they will wait for ‘some time’ or ‘a long time’ before attending events there.

Communicating effectively and efficiently is going to be key to maintaining your customer relationships. In this case, you should look to build trust with current and potential customers through proactive communication methods. “In cases where events or store locations need to postpone operations, businesses should consider their long-term relationship with customers and know that a refund or reschedule could be a relief point for those who may experience stress during these times.”

Change your Strategy

As people are being encouraged to wash their hands to prevent the coronavirus. The work culture will be temporarily changed as companies start to deploy mandatory work from home policies. Travel and tourism will be affected as our government temporarily banned travel to certain places where cases of the virus are high. These changes can be stressful, but the best thing that we can do as marketers is to look forward and to calm the nerves of consumers as best we can by having clear, concise, and accurate messaging.

Companies that market efficiently, effectively and strategically during this period will be the big winners when this nightmare is over. This takes a strong stomach and a solid backbone, but staying in touch is a true sign of a great friend and treating your customers as friends is a great marketing strategy in any marketing environment and even greater now.

As a result, we all know and COVID-19 has affected the health and wellbeing of communities worldwide. Businesses are feeling the effects of the virus, and staying up to date with information. We all need to help the government by staying home. Businesses will resume to normal or better.